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Sobre: CV
parede de tijolos brancos






A sua jornada cinematográfica começou com a filmagem de documentários sobre acontecimentos históricos pelo mundo. Em 2013, filmou as manifestações políticas e os perigosos confrontos entre civis e policiais militares por todo Brasil.

Em 2014, desembarcou na Tailândia (Phuket), onde entrevistou sobreviventes do tsunami que devastou o Oceano Índico asiático em 2004, e também documentou o cotidiano dos lutadores de Muaythai.

Em 2017, foi para a Alemanha (Berlim) e para a França (Paris) filmar depoimentos de refugiados do Oriente Médico, do continente africano e da Colômbia.

Já em 2018, foi para Venezuela, Roraima e Amazonas registrar os conflitos das populações de Pacaraima, Boa Vista e Manaus contra os venezuelanos solicitantes de refúgio.

Em fevereiro de 2019, foi à Cabo Verde, filmar os encantos naturais de cinco ilhas, suas tribos, gastronomia, cultura, musicalidade e os costumes do povo caboverdiano. Em Maio, foi convidada como documentarista para registrar a devastação do Ciclone Idai em Moçambique na cidade de Beira, entrevistar os sobreviventes e também documentar o Projeto Conexão África do IBES – Instituto Brasileiro de Expedições Sociais, e em outubro e dezembro do mesmo ano, foi contratada para filmar o Projeto Canudos, na cidade de Canudos – BA, ambas as expedições consistem em levar uma equipe de médicos, empreendedores e artistas, para implantar assistência médica, geração de renda e esperança às comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade pelo mundo.

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Marcela Rodrigues is a film director and screenwriter, and also a director and playwright.

Graduated in Cinema from Estácio de Sá University.

Her cinematic journey began with a documentaries about historical events around the world. In 2013, she filmed political marches against the government and dangerous clashes between civilians and military police throughout Brazil.

In 2014, she landed in Thailand (Phuket), where she interviewed survivors of the tsunami that devastated the Asian Indian Ocean in 2004, and also documented the daily lives of Muaythai fighters.

In 2017, she went to Germany (Berlin) and France (Paris) to film testimonials from refugees from the Middle East, the African continent and Colombia.

Already in 2018, she went to Venezuela, Roraima and Amazonas to register the conflicts of the populations of Pacaraima, Boa Vista and Manaus against the Venezuelan refugees.

In February 2019, she went to Cape Verde to film the natural charms of the five islands, their tribes, gastronomy, culture, music and the customs of the Cape Verdean people. In May, she was invited as a documentary filmmaker to record the devastation of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique in the city of Beira, she interview the survivors and also document the Connection Africa Project / IBES - Brazilian Institute of Social Expeditions, and in October and December of that same year, she was hired to film the Canudos Project in the city of Canudos - Bahia, both expeditions consist of bringing a team of doctors, entrepreneurs and artists to deploy medical care, income generation and hope for vulnerable communities around the globe.

Marcela Rodrigues directed the Documentary “Projeto Identidade" [Identity Project] (2017), where she shows the backstage and interviews of the photographic exhibition featuring pop culture icons, represented by black artists. She signed the direction and the script of the documentary "Mulheres Bambas" [Bambas Women], directed together with Sandro Arieta, which shows the trajectory of women within the most representative music genre in Brazil, the Samba. She directed and edited the documentary "Kondima - Sobre Travessias" [Kondima - About Crossing] (2018), which shows the saga of refugees around the world, their crossings, fears and dreams.

Marcela Rodrigues directed the short films “Chão” [Ground] (2005), “Relatividade" [Relativity] (2014), “Do Sétimo Andar" [From Seventh Floor] (2017), this last short film was directed together with Jorge Florêncio.

She also has extensive experience as a cameraman and audiovisual editor - Final Cut Pro X.




Marcela Rodrigues is one of the founders of the theater company TROUPP PAS D'ARGENT, where she directed, wrote and signed the scenography of the shows “Cidade das Donzelas" [City of Maidens] (2008), “Holoclownsto” (2011) written together with Natalíe Rodrigues, “Morro da Ópera” [Shanty Town From The Opera] (2014), “Lavagem [Washing] (2016) and "Kondima - Sobre Travessias" [Kondima – About Crossing] (2018).

She is a director and coach of actors in films and plays. Since 2008, Marcela Rodrigues has also been doing a consistent work coaching actors and has given workshops to theater companies, professional actors and students of art in Chile, Italy, England and Brazil.



With the show “City of Maidens” was nominated for Shell Award in 2009, won the European Compasso Di Argento Award in Italy (Napoli) 2010, and with the show “Holoclownsto” also won the Lukas Awards in England (London) in 2012, having already won seven best director awards and more than three best playwright awards in festivals throughout Brazil.

With the show "BOQUINHA, And Thus the World…", written and directed by Lazaro Ramos, Marcela Rodrigues received the CBTIJ Award for Best Actor Training and Coaching.




* The documentary “Kondima - Sobre Travessias” is trying to raise funds to start the post-production stage.


* The documentary “Mulheres Bambas” is trying to raise funds to start the post-production stage.


* The script for a fiction feature film is in the writing phase.


* The first season of a ten episode series is currently being written.


* Still in 2020, Marcela Rodrigues will direct and write two theatrical musicals.

Sobre: Biografia
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